Our Services

Complete OH offers a highly professional range of services including:

Driver Medicals

Health surveillance medicals to comply with DVLA and HSE standards for Work Drivers, HGV and Forklift. Utilisation would be compliant with the auspices of the Equality Act.

Forklift Link

Drivers / DVLA Link

Health Promotion

Investment in employee health and well-being has clearly been shown to improve productivity and company efficiency as well as repay its outlay.

We can provide general help or more specific or bespoke solutions for particular workers or age groups.

Health Surveillance

Health surveillance is systematically watching out for early signs of work-related ill health in employees exposed to certain health risks so preventative actions can be taken to ensure the health of employees is maintained.

This is recommended in certain professions and mandatory in others.


Drug and Alcohol Screening

We can help with Policy writing and provide testing when a robust policy is in place either for cause or random.

Night Worker Medicals

The working time directive means night workers must be provided with a health assessment at regular intervals.

Requests may be made with regard to shift patterns and night working by employees and we can be of assistance in this regard.


Pre-employment Advice and Assessment

We can provide Equality Act compliant assessment and advice prior to commencement of a role.

Sickness Absence Management

Early intervention in absences lasting more than 2-4 weeks has been shown to result in an improved outcome for all parties. We can provide early appointments and advice throughout an absence and return.

Please contact us today to discuss your requirements.